SGA Committees

SGA Committees


The Budget & Finance Committee of the Student Government Association is chaired by the Treasurer and is charged with assisting the Treasurer with his/her duties. The Committee mainly reviews all requests for Financial Assistance, investigates Campus Improvement Allocation proposals, and helps the Treasurer draft a budget each semester. The Committee is also empowered to revise and enforce the rules governing the use of the SGA's finances. More detailed information and an application/information sheet is available on the Budget & Finance Committee page. The BFC is briefly described in the SGA Constitution, Bylaw Five, Section 1. 


The Mountain Day Committee is chaired by the Vice President of Service and is comprised of members from the body. It is the duty of the Chair to coordinate the selection of the following year's Mountain Day Project at least two weeks prior to the last meeting of the academic year, as per Bylaw One, Section C of the SGA Constitution

The duties of the MDC include planning and carrying out the annual Mountain Day Project. The Mtn. Day Project is carried out each year by the students in order to commemorate Martha Berry's birthday and is designed to improve Berry. Recent projects have included a fund-raising drive to air condition the College Chapel, the outdoor classroom, and trail markers for the Mountain Campus. A Mountain Day Service Project may also planned and carried out by the MDC. 


The Special Projects Committee of the Student Government Association consists of a chairperson appointed by the President and membership is open to the General Assembly as per Bylaw One, Section C of the SGA Constitution. The Vice President of Service serves as a member ex officio of the Special Projects Committee. 

The duties of the SPC are to coordinate all projects and events not assigned to an executive officer or other committee by the Constitution. Functions of the SPC are intended to serve the entire Berry College community and the Greater Rome area. Projects of the SPC include providing grills at athletic fields, swings, and Operation Christmas Child. 


The Student Affairs Committee of the Student Government Association consists of one chairperson and members from the student body, per Bylaw Five, Section 2 of the SGA Constitution"At the first meeting of the new year, the President will appoint a chairperson of the Student Affairs Committee. Membership will be open to the General Assembly." The SGA Vice President of Administration is a member ex officio of the Student Affairs Committee. 

The role of the SAC in SGA is to perform tasks related to specific issues and affairs upon which the student body desires action. These tasks can either be assigned to the committee by a motion of the assembled representatives at a meeting, or be taken up at the initiative of the committee. In these latter situations, the SAC is empowered to act on behalf of the Student Government Association without consulting the assembled representatives at a meeting. However, in these situations, the SAC acts in close consultation with the SGA officers.

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