Group Therapy

Group Therapy

What is group therapy?

Group therapy is a highly effective form of therapy in which a small group of students (5-8 members) meet with the supervision and guidance of a therapist(s).

Some therapy groups are more psycho-educational in nature (more structured, focused on information sharing and developing coping mechanisms, goal-oriented, etc.) while others are group processing (less structured, focused on the experiences of members and how they apply to other members, etc.). collaborative discussions about how to apply the information to our lives.

Therapy groups usually have a specific theme, focus, or topic to allow space for students with similar struggles to connect. By hearing others’ experiences, you will likely find new perspectives; and by sharing your own experiences, you will likely help someone else find new perspectives.

How do I join group therapy?

If you’re interested in finding out more about group therapy, please call the Counseling Center (706 – 236 – 2259) and ask about setting up a group screening appointment, or, if you’re a current client at the Counseling Center, please ask your counselor about setting up a group screening appointment. The appointment is approximately 20 minutes long to evaluate which group is for you and to answer any questions you may have.

Group Therapy Options

We are working constantly to establish more support groups, therapy groups and workshops, so please check back often or contact the Counseling Center for more information.

Therapy groups meet weekly, which offers more consistency in continuity of care and quicker relationship building among members and therapist(s).

The group usually starts within 4-5 weeks of the beginning of each semester and ends the week before finals. Once the meetings begin, no new participants can join until the beginning of the following semester.

Becoming You Group

Struggling to connect with others and feeling isolated can be an exhausting experience, and lead to feeling disconnected from yourself. This group’s focus is to explore new ways to establish meaningful relationships and understand ourselves better.

Where: Ladd Center
When: Groups meet weekly. Day and time are determined by member availabilities.
Who: Facilitated by Connor Pierce, LAPC and Terri Cordle, LPC
How: Contact the Counseling Center to set up a group screening process appointment.

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