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A grant through the Lilly Foundation established Berry College Elementary and Middle School in 1977 as a laboratory school for Berry College’s Charter School of Education and Human Sciences. Laboratory schools are affiliated with a college or university for specific purposes that go beyond the scope of traditional public and private institutions. BCEMS engages in practices of teacher training, curriculum development, research, and professional development. Committed to assisting with the preparation of future teachers while delivering quality instructional programs for children in the classroom, laboratory schools provide students the opportunity to not only learn from master teachers but to participate in best instructional practices.

From the beginning, BCEMS has engaged in the mission to educate the heads, hearts and hands of students. In 1977, the school began with classrooms for K-1 and added a grade each year until 1986. Sixth grade was added in 1998, seventh grade in 2000, and eighth grade in 2001. BCEMS continues to be the only school in the region to connect the learning resources of a world class college to an elementary and middle school program as a center for best practices in education committed to advancing the study and practice of education.

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