Director's Welcome

When Martha Berry first established her schools, she emphasized a model that “teaches by doing.” That model developed into the mission statement that guides our vision today, the education of the head, heart, and hands. Berry students pursue excellence in knowledge, experience, integrity, and compassion under the leadership of master teachers.

Learning at BCEMS is marked by eager and sustained engagement in and mastery of grade level knowledge; intellectual risk-taking and creativity; self-confidence and empathy for others; and collaborative problem-solving. Teachers model inquisitive, enthusiastic, and meaningful learning to guide both BCEMS and Berry College students on their educational path.

There are not many schools that match the beauty, safety, or rich history of our campus. We are proud to be a continued part of Berry College and its founder’s legacy. Berry’s campus inspires the best in teaching and learning. We are deeply proud of our school and welcome the opportunity to share it in person.

lori-frederick.jpgWarm regards,

Lori Frederick
Director, Berry College Elementary and Middle School

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