Good Neighbor Challenge

What is the Culture of Belonging?

It's having a deeper understanding of ourselves. It's being equipped to better understand and love the people around us. It's a culture that aspires to reach the Beloved Community Dr. King spoke about. It's a Good Neighbor Culture. And it takes a commitment from all of our community members to achieve.

good-neighbor-challenge-graphicThe Office of the President and the Office of Belonging and Community Engagement present The Good Neighbor Challenge: an initiative that equips Berry College community members with tools to be better neighbors. Berry students, staff and faculty can choose to be part of the Good Neighbor Challenge by being a participant or a leader. Participants and leaders will engage in meaningful experiences and trainings, and in addition to learning more about themselves and others, will earn some awesome swag. Leaders also have the opportunity to earn a certificate from the King Center and the Office of Belonging and Community Engagement. View our full GNC packet.

Sign up


  • August 25th – The Neighborhood Block Party, 8 pm – 11 pm, Krannert Lawn
  • September 7th – Dr. Bernice King Lecture (CE Credit Pending) 6 pm – 7:30 pm, College Chapel*
  • September 18th-22nd – Solidarity Week (CE Credits), See Solidarity Week Schedule
  • September 22nd – Good Neighbor Cook-Out, 5:30 pm, Krannert Lawn
  • October 26th – Soul Food Dinner and Conversation (CE Credit Pending), 6 pm – 8 pm, ICC
  • January 15th – Inky Johnson Lecture (CE Credit Pending), 10 am – 11 am, College Chapel*
  • January 15th-18th – Be Love Week (CE Credits), See Be Love Week Schedule
  • February 22nd – Soul Food Dinner and Conversation (CE Credit Pending), 6 pm – 8 pm, ICC
  • February 23rd – African American Read-In (CE Credit), 6 pm – 8 pm, ICC
  • April 18th – Rites of Passage Ceremony, 6 pm – 8 pm, ICC

*Open to the public


  • September 21st – What is Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Training, 11 am, ICC
  • October 19th – Leading Restorative Conversations Training, 11 am, ICC
  • November 16th – Safe Space Training, 11 am, ICC
  • January 23rd – Inclusive Leadership Training, 11 am, ICC
  • February 22nd – The Bias Challenge w/ Dr. Vonnetta West, 11 am, ICC
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