

How do I engage and continue to grow my personal and professional network?  

Now is the time to engage and connect with the people you meet in your work, your research and your travels. The career network that you’ve developed at Berry has given way to a new set of connections you’ve created for the journey ahead! It also is time to consider who else you want to meet and consider a strategy to make that happen. Connecting and engaging with other professionals is something you’ll do throughout your career. It’s not just a one-time step but rather part of the cycle of continued personal and professional growth. 

Below are some ways to begin to build out your professional network and connect yourself to the key people who are eager to help you reach your life and career goals. 

  • Continue to work with your Career Consultant to:
    • Develop a Networking Strategy
      • Use your own network. As always, your best bet for finding a job or internship is to start with your own personal and professional connections. Ask your friends and family, as well as Berry faculty, supervisors, and alumni about potential opportunities they know of.
      • Try to connect with key people in creative (virtual) ways. Consider creating your own ‘personal advisory board’ or mentoring team.
      • 80% of jobs are filled without employer advertising, so spend time focusing on networking.
    • Identify Key Contacts in Your Desired Career Field
      • LinkedIn: Use the LinkedIn Alumni tool to learn how Berry alumni have used their degrees and discover where their career journeys have taken them.
      • Handshake Employers: Follow employers of interest on Handshake. You’ll be one of the first to know when they post jobs and internships!
      • Students in the Handshake community: Browse and connect with fellow students across the nation with similar interests. You can even contact them to learn about their experiences. 
    • Practice Informational Interviewing
      • Use your personal and professional network and LinkedIn connections to learn more about a particular company or career path. Learn from someone already in the field! 
      • Tips for Informational Interviewing 
  • Attend a Berry College Networking Event
    • Viking Connections are formal networking events to connect current Berry students to alumni and hiring managers. Watch for events and details in  
    • Look for school-specific events listed on Handshake. Meet employers and alumni in your specific field of interest! These contacts will share their career journeys and advice for aspiring professionals interested in their specific fields. 
  • Join the Berry College Group on LinkedIn
    • Use the LinkedIn Alumni search tool to learn how Berry alumni have used their degrees and discover where their career journeys have taken them.
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