Information Security Advisory Group


The Information Security Advisory Group is charged as follows:

  • Help the Office for Information Technology (OIT) and the Director of Information Security conform to a framework to align industry standard information security strategies with Berry's mission and objectives, including applicable laws, regulations, and requirements, by providing input into the best approach to conformance
  • Review and suggest policies and procedures for information technology (IT) systems and data practices for all faculty, staff and students at Berry in an attempt to lower risk and lessen exposure of sensitive information and campus IT resources. Procedures and practices may include appropriate technical infrastructure and security controls in the college's IT environment.
  • Review and make recommendations to the college information security policy collection that includes network security, data protection and retention, hardware device controls, and physical aspects of security.
  • Recommend how to coordinate security objectives between IT departments and any other departments affected by a specific project, policy, procedure, or compliance requirement.
  • Receive reports on security incidents and make recommendations for improvements.
  • Be willing to communicate with their respective representative areas about information security topics that are discussed in the group, providing an informed source to others.


The advisory group is composed of seven active, rotating, selected members and four ex-officio members, two of whom are also active.

The four ex-officio members are the Vice President for Finance, the Chief Information Officer, the FERPA officer for the college (at this time, this is the registrar), who is an active group participant, and the Director of Information Security who is also the active chair of the group.

The selected, active members should serve a two-year term and represent the following departments or groups:

  • Network Operations
  • Enterprise Systems
  • User Support
  • Telecommunications
  • Campus Police
  • One faculty representative from the IT Committee
  • One (non-IT) staff member from the Enterprise Systems Advisory Committee

Office of Information Technology and campus police staff should be selected by their department head and approved by the Chief Information Officer.  The IT Committee and Enterprise Systems Advisory Committee representatives should be selected by the respective committee chair.

The advisory group will elect a vice-chair annually and the vice-chair will select a secretary from the membership.

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