Karen Head


Karen Head is the author of three books of poetry, SassingMy Paris Year, and Shadow Boxes.Along with three colleagues, her work also appears in an anthology of occasional verse, On Occasion: Four Poets, One Year. Her poetry appears in a number of national and international journals and anthologies, including The Women’s Review of Books, Prairie Schooner, Connecticut River Review, War, Literature, and the Arts, Loose Muse Anthology, Gathered: An Anthology of Quaker Verse and The Southern Poetry Anthology, Volume V: Georgia. Her first digital poetry project, “Poetic Rub,” was featured at the E-Poetry 2007 Festival in Paris. Her most recent digital project was a collaborative exquisite corpse poem created via Twitter while she stood atop the Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square as part of Antony Gormley’s One and Other Project; that project, “Monumental,” was detailed in a TIME online mini-documentary. She teaches at Georgia Tech and serves on the Poetry Atlanta Board.

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