Andrew Zawacki


Andrew Zawacki is the author of four poetry books and eight chapbooks, most recently Videotape. His work has appeared in several anthologies, and magazines such as The New Yorker, The Nation, and The New Republic. Coeditor of Verse and of The Verse Book of Interviews , Zawacki has published criticism as well as works of translation; three of his own books have been translated into French. Zawacki has held fellowships from the Salzburg Seminar (Austria), the Résidence Internationale aux Récollets (France), Hawthornden Castle (Scotland), the Bogliasco Foundation (Italy), Le Château de Lavigny (Switzerland), the Fulbright Foundation (Australia), the Rhodes Trust (England), the Millay Colony, the Saltonstall Foundation, and Bread Loaf, and has been awarded The National Endowment for the Arts Translation Fellowship. He teaches at The University of Georgia, where he directs the creative writing program. 

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