

Berry faculty authors' names in bold print; students' names underlined.

Borer,C.H.Sapp, S.G., Hutchinson, L.H. 2013.  Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida L.) as mediator of calcium cycling: new insights are revealed by analysis of foliar partitioning. Trees: Volume 27, Issue 4, pp 841-849.

Conn, D. B. “Integrated Management for Natural Resources, Research, and Environmental Education on America's Largest College Campus.” Rangelands in Transition: Abstracts, Society for Range Management, 57 th Annual Meeting, January 24-30, 2004, Salt Lake City, Utah (2004) 57: 30-31. 

Conn, D. B. "Environmental Research and Education on America's Largest College Campus." Abstracts, AAAS Annual Meeting: Science as a Way of Life, 13-18 February 2003, Denver, Colorado: A108.

James, S. M.  "Environmental Education Guidebook to Berry College."

Cipollini, M.L., J. Culberson, D. Whigham, K. Johnson, T. Knight, and J. O’Neill. 2013. Spatial and temporal patterns of sexual dimorphism and sex ratio variation in Lindera benzoin L. (Lauraceae). Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 140(3):XX-XX (in press).

Cipollini, M.L.D. Whigham, and J. O’Neill. 2013. Seed size, sexual dimorphism, and sex ratio in Lindera benzoin L. (Lauraceae). Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 140(3):XX-XX (in press).

Kronenberger, J., Cipollini, M.L., T. Baldvins, A. Montgomery, and A. Simpson. 2014. Vegetative and bird community response to management in a mountain longleaf pine forest. Natural Areas Journal January 2014 (1) (in press).

Coughlin, E., M. Cipollini, and S. Watkins. 2013. Chestnut’s newest enemy: Ambrosia beetles. The Journal of The American Chestnut Foundation 27(3):28-31.

Cipollini, M.L., Strahl, M., N. Soper Gorden, P. Tomlinson, and R. Ware. 2013. Vegetative survey of Martha’s Meadow, an open limestone habitat in northwestern Georgia. Southeastern Naturalist 12(2):317–338.

Cipollini, M.L., J. Culberson, C. Strippelhoff, T. Baldvins, and K. Miller. 2012. Herbaceous plants and grasses in a mountain Longleaf Pine forest undergoing restoration: a survey and comparative study. Southeastern Naturalist 11(4):637–668.

Cipollini, M., C. Strippelhoff, T. Baldvins, R. Armstrong, K. Miller, E. Lane, C. McDaniel, and J. Culberson. 2009. Herbaceous plants and grasses of the Berry Longleaf Management Area: a preliminary survey.  Proceedings of the 7th Longleaf Alliance Regional Meeting.  Longleaf Alliance Report 14:75. 

Cipollini, M. 2008. The Berry College Longleaf Pine Project: Progress over the First Five Years. Third Montane Longleaf Conference Proceedings. Longleaf Alliance Report 13:42.

Cipollini, M., J. Blalock, P. Browning, G. Cassell, E. Lane, N. Malloy, and E. Swanson.  2008. Short-term effects of restoration burning and herbicide treatment on aboveground biomass and tree community structure in a relict Mountain Longleaf Pine ecosystem. Third Montane Longleaf Conference Proceedings. Longleaf Alliance Report 13:72.

Cipollini, M., C. Francia, C. Kujala, A. Lottes, N. Malloy, M. Mann, E. Swanson, and N. Wigington. 2008. Effects of restoration prescribed burning on post-fire mortality in relict Montane Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris) in northwestern Georgia.  Third Montane Longleaf Conference Proceedings. Longleaf Alliance Report 13:71.

Hall, C. A., T. Hobby, and M. L. Cipollini. 2006. Efficacy and mechanisms of solasonine- and solamargine-induced cytolysis on two strains of Trypanosoma cruzi.  Journal of Chemical Ecology 32:2405-2416.

Levey, D. J., J. Tewksbury, M. Cipollini, and T. Carlo. 2006. A field test of the directed deterrence hypothesis in two species of wild chili. Oecologia 150:61-68.

Spanjer, G. R., and M. L. Cipollini. 2006. Physiochemical parameters and distribution of stygobitic crayfishes. Southeastern Naturalist 5(1):17-26.

Cipollini, M. 2006. The Berry College Longleaf Pine Project: Progress over the first three years. Proceedings of the 2nd Mountain Longleaf Conference, Mount Berry, GA.  November 18-19, 2005.  Longleaf Alliance Report 9:9-12.

Knight, T., M. Cipollini and C. Worrell. 2006. Dendrochronological investigations of longleaf pine on Lavendar Mountain. Proceedings of the 2nd Mountain Longleaf Conference, Mount Berry, GA.  November 18-19, 2005.  Longleaf Alliance Report 9:18-24.

Currie, K., J. M. Varner, J. Kush, and M. Cipollini. 2006. A survey of the herbaceous vegetation found in the Berry Longleaf Pine Management Area.  Proceedings of the 2nd Mountain Longleaf Conference, Mount Berry, GA.  November 18-19, 2005.  Longleaf Alliance Report 9:35-39.

Huber, A., A. Gaskell, C. Worrell, and M. Cipollini. 2006. Estimation of carbon storage in a Mountain Longleaf ecosystem in northwestern Georgia.  Proceedings of the 2nd Mountain Longleaf Conference, Mount Berry, GA.  November 18-19, 2005.  Longleaf Alliance Report 9:44-48.

Cipollini, M., Gaskell, A., and C. Worrell. 2005. Use of herbicides and prescribed burning to control hardwoods in the regeneration and restoration of Mountain Longleaf Pine habitats.  Longleaf Alliance Report 8:9-13.

Cipollini, M. L., E. Paulk, K. Mink, K. Vaughn, and T. Fischer. 2004. Defense tradeoffs in fleshy fruits: effects of resource variation on growth, reproduction, and fruit secondary chemistry in Solanum carolinense.  Journal of Chemical Ecology 30 (1):1-17.

Cipollini, M. L. 2004. The Berry College Longleaf Pine Project: a management update. Proceedings of the First Mountain Longleaf Alliance Conference.  Longleaf Alliance Report 7: 43-50.

Cipollini, M. L., C. R. Faulkner, and J. G. Goss. 2003. The Berry Longleaf Management Plan: status of Mountain Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris) on campus and current management plan. Proceedings of the Fourth Longleaf Alliance Regional Conference.  Longleaf Alliance Report 6: 25-28. 

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