Policies and Principles

  1.  The ELM committee will maintain a website accessible to the campus community that will, at the minimum, include user-friendly versions of the following items: Charge to Committee, Policies and Principles, Application Form, List of Current and Former Projects (ideally map-based), Photos, and Publications.
  2.  Each completed application should be reviewed by the committee and approved or disapproved by vote.  It is expected that the committee will meet monthly, although the committee may meet more often if needed.
  3.  Faculty, staff and students at Berry College should be given first priority in obtaining approval for land-use projects.  Researchers and faculty outside the College may apply to use a site, but unauthorized use is not permitted by any individual or group. No land-use project by any party should begin before approval for the use of a site is obtained.
  4.  Review of applications must include a review of how projects may impact other educational, research, recreational or cultural projects underway at the College. The ecological and aesthetic impact of proposed projects should be considered as an important component of consideration.
  5.  Activities conducted on approved sites must comply with the protocol submitted for review.  In addition, users must comply with Berry College safety and legal policies while using the sites. Off-campus users have the responsibility to become informed of these policies. Failure to comply with these guidelines will result in suspension of the site approval.
  6.  The safety of all land users should be given the highest priority when approving projects. Research projects involving vertebrate animals that need approval by IACUC, must obtain such approval before the research project may be approved by this committee.
  7.  Any construction of semi-permanent or permanent structures as part of a project must be approved in writing by the vice president for finance and/or the president before the project may be approved by this committee.
  8.  Depending upon the nature of the project, either a temporary (short-term) or a semi-permanent (long-term) sign (available through the ELM committee) must be maintained at the most obvious entry point to the project area for the duration of the approved period.  At the end of the project period, signs must be returned to the ELM committee for potential re-use.  Projects already having campus approved signs in place are exempt from this requirement.  Projects not requiring protection of specific locations on specific dates are also exempt from this requirement.
  9.  At the end of the approved use period, materials and/or equipment brought to the site must be removed by the researcher within 15 days.
  10.  Areas designated for long-term use as educational, research, recreational or cultural sites (for example, the Longleaf Pine Forest) before 2013 should be maintained and are not required to apply again for approval. However, these sites should be identified and documented by the committee as soon as possible.
  11.  In the event conflicts in use arise, the ELM committee will be responsible for identifying options to resolve the problem. If an acceptable resolution is not obtained, the matter will be forwarded to the Provost.
  12.  All non-Berry College users (researchers, students, assistants, guests, etc.) must sign a Liability Release Form as a condition of the approval of the land use registration application.
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