News & Stories
Terrell Clark and daughter
February 24, 2022

Berry Experiences Propel Alumnus to Career with International Brand

Terrell Clark ’03 has traveled far in his leadership role with adidas in Amsterdam. Though he never imagined such a future as a student, the international relations major says, “Both my education and broader student experience from my time at Berry definitively helped prepare me and influenced my decision-making and approach today, all for the better.”


Q. Describe your current position.

A. I manage the global portfolio of partnerships for the Training and Sportswear business for adidas, the Brand with Three Stripes. In general, [I] am responsible for managing an amazing and broad team of experts and professionals in developing unique ways to tackle new challenges and explore new opportunities. In particular, I am responsible for driving the key pillars of portfolio management, namely Strategic Investment Planning, Partnership Scouting, Contractual Negotiations & Rights Coordination, Relationship Management, Integration & Activation Planning and Data Tracking & Analytics for all of our strategic category needs in this space.

Q. How did your time at Berry prepare you for your career?

A. You can draw an indirect line from my major to my professional experience post-Berry. Unironically, it was the semester abroad/language component of my major that brought me directly to Germany and the doorstep of the adidas sports brand. Ironically, as a student, I had no idea how a thorough understanding of politics, international culture, the Berry work ethic and charitable mentality would be so applicable to business culture and my professional capabilities.

Every student on campus has a unique and varying experience, however the fundamentals — the red thread — that carries through [is] the Berry student experience of community, charity, work ethic and personal growth.

Q. Tell us about your favorite Berry memories.

A. There are too many to count and too many that might still get me in some sort of trouble with the Dean. … All joking aside, there really are countless. From my first trip the United Nations HQ to

represent Berry in the collegiate Model UN program, to intense but respectful lecture debates regarding U.S. and international policy, to organized mud-wrestling outside of Dana, to a late night of on-campus deer chasing (never did catch one), … and there may have been an infamous food fight in Krannert, but I can’t recall.

Q. Do you have any advice for current or future Berry students?

A. The “Berry Bubble” is a thing, but glass half-full, the isolation doesn’t have to be a negative. You have an opportunity to truly become engrossed in growing, learning, teaching and discovering through each and every interaction you have on campus. From your professor to your fellow students to your work studies manager, take advantage of those opportunities to grow wiser from the neck up and stronger at the center of your chest. …

Foster an insightful voice, build a heart of compassion, grow comfortable with and in being a part of positive change and, lastly, develop a wisdom to know that any moment (negative or positive) is an opportunity to learn and grow. Oh, and enjoy it. You’ll have some highs, and some lows, but the knowledge and experience you gather will shape your life forever.

Q. What’s a major life accomplishment?

A. My greatest accomplishment is simple, but it’s also my greatest ongoing challenge — continuing to strive, learn and mature as a husband, a father and a person of faith. Professionally, I’ve had some accomplishments, but I prefer to look forward rather than behind. I am blessed to be in a position that can drive change by using the exciting, inspiring and sometimes contentious platform of sport and of our cultural zeitgeist to change people’s lives for the better. I’ve come far, but I always believe my greatest accomplishment is potentially right around the corner.

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