News & Stories
July 19, 2019

Summer internship turned career

Recent marketing and finance graduate Tricia Thomas (19C) has gone from graduation to the workplace! Following an internship last summer, she has accepted a consulting job with Cerner, an information technology company based in Kansas City, Missouri.

At Cerner, Tricia’s internship position allowed her to get experience with her marketing major; part of her job was to promote engagement through social media. She also had the task of coordinating interview schedules, giving campus tours and distributing newsletters.

Tricia’s student work at Berry helped prepare her for her new role. She worked as a First-Year Mentor on campus for two years. She also held a position at the front desk of the Cage Center, where she got to interact with students, faculty and others coming in to use the facilities. These jobs allowed her to learn about leadership and guiding others.

“Berry has allowed me to be a part of so many different work opportunities and organizations on campus that I probably would have never had at a different college,” she says. On campus, Tricia was also involved with intramural volleyball, served as the president of the Honors Student Union, was part of the leadership team for a women’s college ministry called Delight, and participated in the Berry Center for Integrity in Leadership program.

She also received the Order of St. Andrew at Honors Convocation, which is given for ethical leadership in the areas of scholarship and service. It recognizes someone who has demonstrated a creative imagination that leads to change, an unwavering commitment to do good and to give more; and scholarship that provides a model for others.

“Through organizations on campus I have received mentorship from faculty and staff and have been able to make memories and meet students that I never would have otherwise,” Tricia says. “Through these connections I have created lifelong friendships and have been able to seek counsel from faculty and staff when it comes to my classes, my time at Berry, as well as job opportunities outside of Berry.”

junior Shannon Rainey

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