News & Stories
June 21, 2019

Endless opportunities to succeed

Four years of higher education wasn’t enough for Mahmood Abdellatif, as he plans to attend law school this fall.

“Berry is home to so many supporters who have nominated me for different opportunities, given me endless advice, and helped me find the right direction when I was at a crossroad,” Mahmood said.

During his time at Berry as a political science student and a Gate of Opportunity Scholar, Mahmood (who goes by Momo) gained many opportunities and awards to help further his education.

Momo worked in the Athletic Department as budget manager and office supervisor. He was involved in the Berry College for Integrity in Leadership program, served as a Student Government Association class officer and was president of the Politics & Law Society club.

As a senior, he received the Robbie Powell Memorial Award, which goes to a senior who exhibits outstanding citizenship, service to others and Berry friendliness.

Outside of Berry, he was chosen as the Georgia Representative to the Henry Clay College Student Congress. This is a national program that chooses one student from each state to simulate policy-making and leadership development.

In the fall, Momo will attend law school at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wis., to pursue a career in sports law. Marquette is home to the National Sports Law Institute and one of the top sports law programs in the country.

junior Alisa Jordan

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