News & Stories
April 26, 2019

From Berry to the Big Screen

It’s hard work keeping superheroes looking good, but Hannah Greene is up to the task.

Since graduating from Berry College in 2006, Hannah has worked in New York and Los Angeles as a costume designer for  major films and television, including “Avengers: Infinity Wars” and “Captain Marvel.”

As a visual communication major at Berry, Hannah was able to bring her love of costume design and production together.

“Going to a liberal arts college enabled me to take classes in many fields, which is how I fell in love with costume design. The small student body meant that there was room for me to take theatre classes because they weren’t already full by students in the major,” she said. “I can say from my experience as a graduate student at UCLA, that being able to not only work in the costume department but also design shows (at Berry) is a privilege that wouldn’t have happened at a large school. That hands-on experience gave me an invaluable leg up in my career.”

While at Berry, Hannah had a great relationship with Associate Theatre Professor Alice Bristow. “Thanks to her encouragement, I took a work-study position in the costume shop where I started taking every costume design course and eventually designing a few shows,” Hannah said.

After moving to Los Angeles, she earned a master’s degree in costume design from the University of California. Since then, she has been putting her talents to work in film and television primarily for Marvel productions.

While working as the costume coordinator on “Avengers: Infinity Wars,” one of her jobs included keeping track of where every costume piece was at any given time. Hannah explained that it wasn’t an easy job as there are 20 main characters with five multiples of each costume and the workrooms were in both Los Angeles and Atlanta.

And Hannah’s work on “Captain Marvel” made it possible for her to be more creative. She worked as the fabric buyer and worked closely with another costume designer to help bring the vision of the costumes to life.

sophomore Alisa Jordan

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