News & Stories
December 19, 2018

Taking a passion for economics beyond Berry

Currently working on his doctorate in economics at UNC-Chapel Hill, 2018 grad Noah Lyman has continued to take his passion for economics beyond the Berry community.

While at Berry, Noah developed incredible relationships with the economics department faculty members, including Professor of Economics Frank Stephenson and Assistant Professor of Economics Jamie Sharpe, that helped him develop personally and intellectually within his Ph.D. admission process. Another pivotal member of the faculty in Noah’s life was Associate Professor of Economics Lauren Heller.

“Noah was great in the classroom, but I think the neater piece of the story is all of the work that he did with me as part of Berry’s Undergraduate Business and Economics Research (UBER) Journal. He was the review editor for UBER, and the work we did together as part of that really helped me to put some great things in his reference letters for grad school. I also think it’s an example of the skills that students develop as part of student work,” Heller says.

The goal of the journal is to become one of the foremost outlets nationally for the publication of high-quality undergraduate research in business and economics, with original research from students across the nation. Noah’s role with the journal prepared him well for his post-grad endeavors. He was also involved with other campus organizations, including the Berry Investment Group, the economics honor society Omicron Delta Epsilon and Campbell Fellows, which helps students develop leadership skills in the business school.

Upon finishing his doctorate, Noah plans to pursue a career in policy research.

senior Jordan Roach

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