News & Stories
Will Smith, Courtney Large Sanchez, and Alayna LeCroy
September 15, 2017

Three Berry alums serve on a medical mission trip

Three Berry grads Will Smith (14C)Courtney Large Sanchez (13C) and Alayna LeCroy (12C) traveled to Cambodia with Mercer University’s School of Medicine for their Mercer on Mission trip. Berry had a pretty strong showing, as there were only 10 medical students on the trip! 

They served as medical providers for close to 1600 patients.

“In Cambodia, I was able to take a patient all the way from their problem through a plan,” Will said. “I’ve been dreaming of this career for most of my life, so getting to treat patients was incredible.”

Berry’s biology and chemistry courses, along with a strong liberal arts foundation, are essential to helping our pre-medical students to succeed in their futures as physicians. These three Berry alumni have a bright future in medicine.

staff writer

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