News & Stories
May 8, 2023

Research on COVID Vaccination Earns Top Prize

A research study conducted by a team at Berry College won the Top Paper award in the Popular Communication Division at the 93rd annual Southern States Communication Association Convention.

The paper “’Are You Vaccinated? Yeah I’m Immunized.’ A Risk Orders Theory Analysis of Celebrity COVID-19 Misinformation” took an interdisciplinary approach to health communication and looked at celebrities’ responses to COVID-19.

The team consisted of Berry Associate Communication Professor Kimberly Field-Springer, Teryn Ferrell, a '22 Berry alum pursuing a master’s in public health at the Colorado School of Public Health, and Sarah Quigley, a 2023 Berry grad currently in the chemistry doctorate program at UNC Chapel Hill.

The Southern States Communication Association is a non-profit dedicated to the application of the artistic, humanistic and scientific principles of communication. The Popular Communication Division invites competitors to submit papers, presentations and panel proposals that analyze media and culture within a popular communication framework.



Written by Public Relations Student Assistant Caroline Cleland

Office of Public Relations

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