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Student performing a lab experiment
April 12, 2021

Goldwater Scholar Named at Berry

Berry College biochemistry major Seth Jolly has been named a 2021 Goldwater Scholar.

The Goldwater Scholarship is the most prestigious undergraduate award for students in science, mathematics, and engineering.  Goldwater Scholars have impressive academic and research credentials that have garnered the attention of prestigious post-graduate fellowship programs.

Jolly, of Port Orange, Fla., recently published a paper in the Journal of Organic Chemistry detailing reaction methodology he developed for the synthesis of a class of compounds known as propargylamines, and he is currently hard at work on more synthetic chemistry projects. He plans to attend graduate school and earn a Ph. D. in medicinal or organic chemistry and eventually work as a drug discovery scientist in the pharmaceutical industry.

"Seth is one of the most talented researchers I’ve had in my lab. I have a feeling that this is just one of many awards to come for Seth in his future graduate school and professional career," said Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry Mark Turlington.

The Scholarship Program honoring Senator Barry Goldwater was designed to foster and encourage outstanding students to pursue research careers in the fields of the natural sciences, engineering, and mathematics. Each Goldwater Scholar annually receives an amount equal to the cost of tuition, mandatory fees, books, and room and board minus the amount of support provided for by other sources, up to a maximum of $7,500.


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