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GHP Sign
June 22, 2021

2021 Governor’s Honors Program Scholars Returns to Berry College

The 2021 Governor’s Honors Program, designed for gifted and talented high school students who are rising juniors and seniors, returned to Berry College this week. 

"We are proud of the partnership that exists between the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement and Berry College that allows us to host the Governor’s Honors program. We are particularly pleased to be able to provide this program in person after it had to be cancelled, along with all of our other summer camps and conferences, last year,” said Berry Chief of Staff Debbie Heida.  "The interview day and summer program have helped thousands of students and their parents learn about Berry College and many have chosen to apply and attend as a result of their GHP experiences.” 

Over 3,000 GHP applications were received from around the state. After rigorous interviews and auditions, 650 finalists were selected.

Finalists went through several rounds of intensive competition, including interviews and performances, to be selected for the 2021 Governor’s Honors Program. The annual four-week GHP program offers instruction that is significantly different from the typical high school classroom and is designed to provide students with the academic, cultural, and social enrichment necessary to become the next generation of global critical thinkers, innovators and leaders.

The program includes a wide array of majors ranging from world languages, fine arts, social studies, math and science and engineering.  Students attend classes in the mornings and afternoons in specific areas of study, and participate in a wide variety of social and instructional opportunities every evening. This program is the longest continuously running Governor’s Honors Program in the nation, and the largest on a single college campus. This is the 57th year of operation.

We congratulate the 2021 GHP scholars," Governor Brian P. Kemp said. "Your hard work elevated you to a unique place of honor, and we know that each of you will carry on the reputation of the Governor’s Honors Program by upholding the best ideals of our great state. Being a GHP alumni places you among a very distinguished group of individuals across Georgia.”

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Office of Public Relations

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