News & Stories
February 18, 2020

Student Newspaper Awarded General Excellence In Georgia Journalism Contest

The Berry College student newspaper, Campus Carrier, garnered 11 awards for journalism excellence in the 2019 Georgia College Press Association Better Newspaper Contest.

The newspaper received the first place award for general excellence in its division.

“We’re so pleased to have Campus Carrier named the top small division college newspaper in the state,” said Cassie LaJuenesse, a junior from Tallahassee, Fla., who serves as editor-in-chief of the newspaper for her second year. “Our whole team played a role in the awards we won, and it’s nice to have our coverage of the Berry community honored.”

Staff also placed in other categories in the Senior B Division, which includes all four-year Georgia colleges and universities with enrollments under 8,000. 

In overall categories, Campus Carrier awards included:

•       First place – General Excellence

•       First place – Best Campus Community Service – News

•       First place – Best Campus Community Service – Features

•       First place – Layout and Design Excellence

•       Second place – Best Campus Community Service – Sports

•       Second place – Improvement Award

•       Third place – Best Website (Viking Fusion)

•       Third place – Best Campus Community Service – Editorial Excellence

•       Third place – Best Campus Community Service – Features


Individual awards included:

 •       Second Place  – Best Feature Story, “Calling All Spirits: The Chilling Stories of Campus Ghosts” – Kelsee Brady, a junior from Doerun, Ga., and Jamison Guice, a senior from Cedartown, Ga.

•       Second Place  – Best Entertainment Feature, “The Complete Campus-Wide Bucket List” – Brady and Guice

•       Third Place – Best Editorial or Editorial Series, “Approach Conflict With Respect for Different Points of View” – Staff

The Campus Carrier is published weekly for the students, faculty and staff of Berry College. 


Written by Public Relations

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