News & Stories
February 3, 2020

Contemporary Poet to present his work

ROME, Ga. – A contemporary poet will read and discuss his work at a poetry reading at 4 p.m. Friday (Feb. 7) in the Berry College Chapel College.

David Baker, professor of English and the Thomas B. Fordham Chair of creative writing at Denison University in Ohio, will provide commentary on his writing process, publishing history, aesthetics and themes throughout the reading. 

Baker has written a number of collections of poems including, “Scavenger Loop,” “Never-Ending Birds,” and “Treatise on Touch: Selected Poems.” He has also written three books of criticism, “Radiant Lyre: Essays on Lyric Poetry,” “Heresy and the Ideal: On Contemporary Poetry” and “Meter in English: A Critical Engagement.” Baker serves as the poetry editor for the Kenyon Review, a literary magazine based in Gambier, Ohio.

The event is free and open to the public. 


Written by Public Relations Student Supervisor Megan Benoit

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