News & Stories
October 9, 2019

Professor Earns David Hamilton Prize

The 2019 David Hamilton Prize for Iowa Review Alumni has been awarded to a Berry College professor.

Visiting Assistant Professor of Creative Writing Clint Crockett Peters will receive a $1,000 prize for his essay, “A Portrait of the Artist at His Home in Texas,” due to be published in the spring 2020 issue of the Iowa Review.

“The Iowa Review, along with Georgia Review, Southern Review, and others, is a publication that has been on a leading edge for different forms of creative writing for four-plus decades,” Peters said. “I've been especially impressed lately with their more experimental approach. That they'd consider something by me for an issue is just the greatest compliment.”

Peters earned a Master of Fine Arts in nonfiction from the University of Iowa, where he was an Iowa Arts Fellow. He obtained his Ph.D. in English and creative writing from the University of North Texas and served as a Dissertation-Year fellow. He joined the Berry faculty in fall of 2018. Peters has authored an essay collection “Pandora's Garden: Kudzu, Cockroaches, and Other Misfits of Ecology.” And he is the recipient of writing awards from Shenandoah, North American Review, Crab Orchard Review and Columbia Journal.

The David Hamilton Prize was created to honor the editorship, mentorship and friendship of David Hamilton, who served as editor of The Iowa Review for more than 30 years. In the spirit of Hamilton’s support and encouragement of his students and their writing, the contest is open to former staff, volunteers and interns of The Iowa Review. The David Hamilton Prize for Iowa Review Alumni is awarded biennially. It is funded by generous contributions from anonymous donors and will be open for fiction submissions in 2021.

To learn more about Berry’s creative writing and English majors, go to


Written by Public Relations Student Supervisor Megan Benoit

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