News & Stories
May 1, 2019

Berry College Student Recognized at the State Conference

ROME, Ga. – A Berry College student has been recognized at the Georgia Association of Behavior Analysis Conference for “Best Undergraduate Poster.”

After taking an applied behavioral analysis course with Berry Assistant Professor of Teacher Education Thom Ratkos, psychology major Mikayla Camacho was intrigued to dip her toes in the world of research. She worked alongside Ratkos to develop a study in which explored how well young children are able to recall pictures after a time delay in a variety of contexts.

The project was turned into a research poster which she then presented at the Georgia Association of Behavior Analysis Conference. Nationally recognized speakers at  the conference evaluated each poster and awarded her with the “Best Undergraduate Poster,” based off the layout and how well she was able to portray the results of the study to the audience.

“It was a great first experience conducting research, and my time working on that study inspired me to pursue my own research grant, which is how I came about becoming a Kirbo Scholar,” said Camacho of Powder Springs, Ga.

For more information on the Applied Behavior Analysis program, please visit:


Public Relations Student Supervisor Alexi Bell

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