News & Stories
April 1, 2019

Berry College Forensics Union Wins 25th Consecutive State Tournament

ROME, Ga. – The Berry College Forensics Union recently earned their 25th consecutive Georgia Intercollegiate Forensics Association Championship, placing first in every individual event.

With 23 members competing, the team racked up 46 total awards, and, for the first time in their history, BFCU members took the top three positions in 10 of the 14 total events at the tournament. 

Among the many winners, junior Anna Claire Tucker and senior Olivia Brown were the top two persuasive speakers respectively, which qualified them to represent the state of Georgia at the Interstate Oratory Contest, a national persuasive speaking competition, in April. 

For the team, this milestone is not only important because the individuals’ success, but the continuation of a legacy.

“We really wanted to do justice to the legacy of this program. There are some really successful people who have grown their skills through the participation of this team and gone on to do great things in the world,” Shelby Newland, sophomore team member and Berry College Forensics Union historian, said. 

Matt Delzer, director of forensics, attributes the team’s success to the hard work the students put in, even outside of their designated coaching time. Members spend hours a week practicing and refining their performances, some of which have been in the works since summer, while others came to fruition in the few weeks leading up to the tournament.

In addition to their dedication, another key factor contributing to their win was the connections the students have with their work. The team emphasizes choosing topics and sharing messages that matter to its members.

“The real key to the student’s success is every performance they give is about things that they care deeply about,” Delzer said.

Moving into the postseason, the team will compete in three national tournaments this spring: Novice Nationals, the National Forensics Association tournament and the Interstate Oratory Contest.

For more information on the team and a complete list of last weekend’s winners visit .


Public Relations Student Claire Voltarel

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