News & Stories
February 16, 2018

Berry Students Present Research in Morocco

Three Berry College students recently presented research at the Association of Global Studies Conference in Marrakech, Morocco.  

Senior Kassie Jones, junior Jessie Moore and senior Seth Read along with Government Professor John Hickman attended the 35th annual conference in December which brought together scholars from around the world to discuss the challenges and changes occurring in third world countries.  

Jones and Moore presented their research, “Is the Quest for Liberal Democracy in Pakistan a Pipe Dream?” The students analyzed and examined the possibility of democracy in Pakistan after the recent dismissal of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. Their research resulted from a class taught by Government Professor Chaitram Singh.  

“Jessie and I are both extremely grateful that we were able to have this exciting opportunity to share our research beyond Berry,” said Jones. “The conference was great ground work to expand my horizons.”  

Hickman and Read presented, “Good Rockets; Bad Rockets: An Analysis of News Coverage of the Iranian, Israeli and Indian Ballistic Missile Programs.” They focused on a quantitative content analysis of the news coverage of the Iranian, Israeli and Indian ballistic missiles and how those differ from content in major newspapers in the United States, United Kingdom and Canada.  

“The trip to Morocco was honestly so incredible and eye opening,” Moore said. “I’ve never been able to travel out of the country so getting the chance to go and experience such a unique culture was so enriching. Not only did it make me appreciate my education here at Berry, it also made me excited for future travel and life after Berry.”  

For information about the Berry College Government and International Studies program go to


Written by Public Relations Student Supervisor Alexi Bell

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