News & Stories
November 1, 2018

November Fine Arts Events

Symphony Orchestra’s Fall Concert

The Berry College Symphony Orchestra will perform “Rocket, Rollers and Sighs: Music from Mannheim” at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday (Nov. 3) in the Berry Ford Auditorium.

Work from Johann and Karl Stamitz will be showcased in the performance. Milwaukee Symphony violist Nathan Hackett will accompany the Berry orchestra for one of the pieces performed.  Hackett will also give a master class earlier in the day that is open to the public. Please call the Berry College Visual and Performing Arts Department at 706.236.2289 for more information.

This event is free and open to the public.


Berry Jazz Ensemble Fall Concert: “New Jazz” 

The Berry College Jazz Ensemble will perform their fall concert at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 8 in the Berry College Ford Auditorium.  

Under the direction of John David, director of jazz and percussion studies, this concert will showcase contemporary music from around the world. Performing repertoire from the last 20 years, the Jazz Ensemble will present music not often heard or yet recorded, and will feature premieres of new works from Berry student writers. Other featured composers will include Maria Schneider, Darcy James Argue and David Springfield.  

The event is free and open to the public.


Wind Ensemble Fall Concert 

The Berry College Wind Ensemble will perform at 3 p.m. Nov. 11 at the Berry College Ford Auditorium.  

The fall concert will be directed by Assistant Professor in Music Lauren Denney Wright with guest conductor Brenton Alston from Florida International University conducting “Shenandoah” by Ticheli. The performance will include works such as “Intoit” by Fisher Tull, “The Danserye” by Susato and Dunnigan, “Procession of the Nobles” by Rimsky-Korsakov, “Concertino for Four Percussion and Wind Ensemble” by Gillingham and “Chimes of Liberty” by Goldman.  

This event is free and open to the public.


 Baritone soloist to perform at Berry   

Baritone soloist Matthew Hoch will give a performance at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 15 in the Berry College Chapel.  

Hoch is the associate professor of voice and coordinator of the Voice Area at Auburn University. He also taught applied voice and vocal literature at Shorter University for six years. He has appeared as a soloist with the Oregon Bach Festival, the Santa Fe Desert Chorale, the Vox Consort, Harmonie Universelle, the Hartford, Rome and Nashua symphony orchestras, the Atlanta Baroque Orchestra and the United States Coast Guard Chamber Players.  

The event is free and open to the public.


 ‘A Night at the Movies’ by the Berry College Dance Troupe 

The Berry College Dance Troupe presents “A Night at the Movies” at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 16 and 17 at the Berry College Ford Auditorium.  

"A Night at the Movies" will feature seven pieces showcasing different movies and dance styles including ballet, jazz, contemporary and musical theatre. The movies being represented are "Ghostbusters," "Slumdog Millionaire," "Chicago," "Divergent," "Sleeping Beauty," "Burlesque" and "Mulan." Each dance will take into account the movie's theme, plot and characterization to allow these movies to come to life in a unique way from the perspective of the choreographers.

Admission is $3 for students and $6 for adults. Free popcorn will be provided with the price of admission.  


Moon Gallery Presents ‘Select’  

“Select,” a student group exhibition, will feature student work made in the studio art classes across the Berry College Art Program. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. (Nov. 27- Dec. 3) in the Berry College Moon Gallery.  

Art selected by Berry instructors from introductory through advanced courses in design, ceramics drawing and painting will be displayed. Associate Professor of Art Brad Adams, Adjunct Professor of Art John King, and Vising Assistant Professor of Art Dennis Ritter will facilitate a discussion about the work on display at the opening reception. The reception will be at 11 a.m. Nov. 27 in the Moon Gallery.  

The reception and gallery is free and open to the public.


Public Relations Student Assistants Alexi Bell, Megan Benoit, Alisa Jordan and Victoria Mashburn

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