News & Stories
October 22, 2018

Alum Returns for Lecture Series After Publishing Success

Berry College alum and published author Alyssa Hollingsworth was this year’s featured author for the recent David James Poissant Creative Prose Reading Series.  

Hollingsworth, a 2013 graduate, is the author of a young adult novel called “The Eleventh Trade,” which was released on Sept. 18. The novel was the top new release in children’s literature on Amazon. The book has been published by Roaring Brook Press, an imprint of Macmillan. It is also being published concurrently with Piccadilly Press and other foreign publishers.  

After graduating from Berry with a Bachelor of Arts in English with a concentration in creative writing, Hollingsworth earned her Master of Arts in writing for young people at Bath Spa University in England. “The Eleventh Trade” is her debut novel, and she intends to publish another book in the fall of 2019.   

The Berry lecture series was created in honor of graduate David James Poissant. He has won several awards including Best Short Story Collection of the year by “Tweed Magazine”, the Great Lakes College Association New Writers Award, the Florida Book Silver Medal for Fiction and the LA Times Book Prize Finalist. 


Public Relations Student Assistant Megan Benoit.

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