News & Stories
August 20, 2018

The Berry College Moon Gallery Presents, “Body of Work”

“Body of Work” by Allen Chen opens today through Sept. 13 at the Berry College Moon Gallery. 

The artist talk and reception is at 5 p.m.  today, Aug. 20. The gallery is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The exhibit is free and open to the public. 

The solo exhibit is the latest studio output from the ceramics artist Chen and features a disarray of works and the creative process of putting together fragmentary experiences in order to comprehend the world as a whole. The different facets of his work including organic shapes that are arranged to engage with each other and the space they occupy, discrete sculptures and a variety of functional vessels.  

Chen immigrated to the United States from Taiwan at the age of 12 and was inspired by the world around him. He went on to earn an MFA from the University of Notre Dame and BFA from San Jose State University. This led him to be invited to numerous exhibitions including the Ohr O’Keefe Museum of Art in Biloxi, Miss., a solo exhibit at the University of North Georgia and a juried exhibition at the New Taipei City Yingge Ceramics Museum in Taiwan. Currently, he is an assistant professor of art and design at the University of Southern Mississippi where he teaches clay to young aspiring artists. 



Written by Public Relations Student Supervisor Alexi Bell

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