News & Stories
April 23, 2018

Elementary and Middle School Choir Festival

The Berry College Elementary and Middle School Choir Festival recently welcomed students from across the state of Georgia.

The show featured 380 students from 27 schools and more than 500 audience members attended the final show.

Students had the opportunity to work with Emily Williams Burch, the founder and Artistic Director of RISE Chorales in Savannah and Berry College Director of Music Education Stefanie Cash to prepare three to four pieces to present at the final concert. The music represented a variety of cultures and musical time periods, including two pieces from Africa, a North American spiritual and an eighteenth-century piece by Baroque composer Antonio Vivaldi.

“It was a wonderful experience for both Mrs. Burch and me. Students were actively engaged and receptive to different suggestions to improve the performance,” Cash said. “Berry students gave their time and energy taking care of all the intricate details as well as spending time with the students.”

Under the direction of Cash, the middle school choir was made up of seventh and eighth grade mixed voices. And new to the program this year was the elementary school choir that consisted of fourth through sixth graders under the direction of Burch.

For more information about the Berry College Music Department please visit:


Written by Public Relations Student Supervisor Alexi Bell

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