News & Stories
March 9, 2018

Berry Recognized as Tree Campus USA

The Arbor Day Foundation has honored Berry College again with the 2017 Tree Campus USA® recognition for commitment to effective urban forest management. 

“With more than 27,000 acres of natural beauty, wildlife and flora it only makes sense that Berry would hold such a distinctive honor as Tree Campus USA,” said Eddie Elsberry, Berry College director of environmental compliance and sustainability.  “Berry College has a comprehensive tree management plan that outlays tree health, tree planting and an overall canopy management plan for the campus.” 

Since 2008, the Tree Campus program has honored colleges and universities that promote healthy trees and have student and staff engaged in the spirit of conservation. For the fifth year in a row, Berry achieved the title by meeting the five core standards that are required by the organization. Berry has a tree advisory committee along with a campus tree-plan that provides guidance for maintaining the trees on campus and education about the importance of campus trees. The other standards include a dedicated annual expenditures for its campus tree program, an Arbor Day observance and student service-learning project. 

The Tree Campus USA recognition is a true testament of Berry's commitment to sustaining the natural beauty of the campus.  

“Communities worldwide are facing issues with air quality, water resources, personal health and well-being, and energy use,” said Lauren Weyers, program coordinator of the Arbor Day Foundation. “Berry College is stepping up to do its part. As a result of the college’s commitment to effective urban forest management, Berry is helping to provide a solution to these global challenges.” 

More information about the program is available at


Written by Public Relations  Student Assistant Alisa Jordan

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