News & Stories
January 16, 2018

Berry Student Earns Geology Award

Environmental science major Justyn Patterson was recently awarded a $500 scholarship from the American Institute for Professional Geologist for his outstanding service to the Berry College Student Chapter.  

Patterson will use the funds to help cover academic expenses for the semester as well as to purchase new technology and equipment that can assist him in his academic studies, research and professional career.  

“Berry sparked my interest from the start as no other college had the unique work and research programs that students could directly relate to their individual passions,” Patterson said.  

While being a student, Patterson has been able to work one-on-one with his academic advisor, Associate Professor of Geology Tamie Jovanelly, both inside and outside the classroom. With Jovanelly’s guidance, Patterson has been able to present his research at national geological conferences, land two internships and be involved with the American Institute for Professional Geologists.  

“Dr. Jovanelly’s unmatched vigor and constant attention for her students has been a vital reason for my success as a both a growing student and future professional,” he said. “Her never-ending positive energy and passion for furthering students’ interests are what set her apart from any advisor. Dr. Jovanelly has encouraged me in so many ways and has been an influential aspiration to my academic career as she has provided me with limitless internship and professional opportunities.”


Written by Public Relations Student Supervisor Alexi Bell

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