News & Stories
April 6, 2016

Congressman to Speak at Health Policy Symposium April 11

Congressman Tom Price, M.D., will speak on the “Issues of Healthcare Economics and Policy in the U.S.” at 7 p.m. Monday (April 11) in the Krannert Ballroom at Berry College. 

"It is a huge honor to host Dr. Price at Berry," said Dr. Brad Bushnell, a member of the Berry College Board of Trustees and Chairman of Orthopedic Surgery at the Harbin Clinic. "Tom is a wonderful role model at a time when the world of national politics seems to have gone crazy.  He is a voice of reason and wisdom, and especially in the area of health policy - because unlike many of our elected officials, he has actually worked in the front-line trenches of health care for over half of his life. I can think of no one better to help us kick off our new annual symposium at Berry, and I know that his remarks will help us all better understand the complicated issue of health policy."

Price was elected to represent Georgia’s 6th District in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2004, and he has served in that capacity since then. During the 114th Congress in 2015, the Roswell, Georgia Republican was named chair of the House Committee on the Budget. He also serves on the House Ways and Means Committee, and in prior Congresses he has been Chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee and Chairman of the Republican Study Committee. Price is a member of the Congressional Health Care Caucus and the Doctors Caucus. 

Price received his undergraduate and medical degrees from the University of Michigan, and he completed his Orthopedic Surgery residency at Emory University. Price then worked in private practice with Resurgens Orthopedics in Atlanta. Before his time in Washington, he served in the Georgia State Senate and returned to Emory University School of Medicine as an assistant professor and medical director of the Orthopedic Clinic at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, teaching resident surgeons in training. Currently, Price is one of the highest-ranking physicians in Congress. 

“As we look to the decades ahead, no public policy problem looms larger than health care.  It is both challenging and controversial, and it affects all of us: patient and physician, young and old, insured and uninsured, healthy and unhealthy, and businesses small and large,” said Berry President Steve Briggs. “We need a health care system that is effective, efficient, fair and affordable, and we want Berry students to contribute to progress on this issue in an informed way.”    

The event is free and open to the public, and the first of an annual series of symposia on health policy. Berry Assistant Professor of Economics Lauren Heller, whose research specialty is health care economics, will serve as the moderator.


Written by Public Relations

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