News & Stories
October 26, 2016

Georgia Teacher of the Year to speak at Berry

Georgia Teacher of the Year, Casey Bethel, will speak at 7 p.m. Nov. 3 in the Berry College Krannert Ballroom. 

Bethel is a science teacher at New Manchester High School. He was named Douglas County’s 2015-2016 Teacher of the Year and went on to represent the system in the 2017 Georgia Teacher of the Year competition. 

Before teaching, Bethel earned his master’s degree in plant genetics and conducted experimental research at the Center for Applied Genetic Technologies at UGA. He said he noticed a decline in science education and made the transition to teaching in 2005 through the Teacher Alternative Preparation Program in hopes of being a part of the solution. 

The Georgia Teacher of the Year acts as a representative for all Georgia public school teachers and as an advocate for the school systems, students and teachers. Their numerous engagements usually include a one year sabbatical working directly with Georgia Department of Education and speaking to various groups throughout the state. 

The event is free and open to the public. For more info about Berry's education major see


Written by Public Relations Student Supervisor Abbie Smith

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