News & Stories
September 15, 2016

Aflac CEO Dan Amos to speak at Berry

Aflac Chief Executive Officer Dan Amos is the featured speaker for the Cecil B. Wright III Integrity in Leadership Lecture at Berry College on Sept. 29. 

The event will be at 7 p.m in the Berry College Spruill Ballroom and is free and open to the public. 

Amos joined Aflac in 1973 as a sales associate when he was a teenager and climbed the corporate ladder within the company until being named CEO in 1990. He was later named Chairman of Aflac’s Board of Directors in 2001. 

Amos was recognized as a driving leadership figure during his tenure, where revenues grew from $2.7 billion to $22.7 billion at the end of 2014. He also spearheaded the launching of the national advertising campaign featuring the iconic Aflac Duck, which has since then transformed Aflac into a top national brand. 

“I am very pleased to have the opportunity to bring Dan Amos to Berry College and for him to speak to students and members of the Berry community about his leadership experience he gained while working at Aflac,” said Cecil “Buster” Wright III, Berry alumnus and trustee. “Dan truly embodies the personal responsibility and character that represents the heart of a Berry education and I can’t wait for him to share his experiences with the students.” 

The Berry College Center for Integrity in Leadership provides an elite group of students with the opportunity to learn more about ethical leadership within many different career paths by working with practicing professionals. The center not only provides a deeper grounding in values and integrity, but also incorporates cases where students can practice the day-to-day decision-making that integrity in leadership requires. More info at


Written by Public Relations Student Assistant Nicholas Fischer

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