News & Stories
March 8, 2018

Associate Professor of Environmental Studies Brian Campbell

On February 10, 2018, Dr. Brian Campbell spoke at the Floyd County Seed Swap at the Chieftains Museum and Major Ridge Home in Rome, Ga. An annual event now in its fifth year, the Floyd County Seed Swap was sponsored by the Berry College Environmental Studies Program along with several local organizations. Dr. Campbell spoke about several issues related to his research and teaching, including agricultural biodiversity conservation, the preservation of heirloom seeds, Cherokee agriculture, and how to cultivate different plant varieties to further local biodiversity.

It is through events such as the Floyd County Seed Swap that Dr. Campbell, who joined the Berry faculty in 2013, has established himself as a campus leader of community engagement. He is also a major agent of community-based teaching at Berry, including through his work as a leader of the college’s Environmental Studies Program, including its ABC Project ( His course offerings at Berry include the anthropology of food, environmental anthropology, and a class on environment, society, and culture, among others.


Dr. Campbell is also a documentary film director and producer and author of numerous publications, among them (with James R. Veteto), “Free seeds and food sovereignty: anthropology and grassroots agrobiodiversity conservation strategies in the US South,” which appeared in a 2015 issue of Journal of Political Ecology.

Written by Public Relations

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