News & Stories
January 8, 2018

Henry Gund Professor of Biology Bruce Conn

Dr. Bruce Conn was awarded the Diploma Honorificum, Socii Nomen Honoris Causa by the Polish Parasitological Society, at a ceremony in Krakow, Poland. This is the highest honor bestowed by the Society. The award recognizes and honors Dr. Conn’s 20 years of research on parasitic diseases in Poland and with Polish collaborators throughout the world.

Dr. Conn co-published “Ultrastructure of digenean trematode eggs (Platyhelminthes: Neoophora): A review emphasizing new comparative
data on four European Microphalloidea” in Acta Parasitologica and “Identification of immunogenic proteins of the cysticercoid of Hymenolepis diminuta” in Parasites & Vectors.

Written by Public Relations

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