News & Stories
June 29, 2017

Berry instructor creates wearable technology

Berry instructor Zane Cochran is an innovator in the competitive and exploding field of creative technologies. As the mind behind Berry’s HackBerry Lab, Zane has helped students and faculty to think creatively and to innovate new technologies since 2012. His own creations, including the acclaimed PIXI dresses, have gained attention in such exhibitions as Museum of Design Atlanta’s “On You: Wearing Technology.” Zane’s interests in art, fashion and electronics inspire him to combine his passions into wearable technologies. His PIXI dresses were his first major success for combining art, fashion and tech into a piece of clothing that could be worn out and about. In his day to day life, Zane teaches in Berry’s Creative Technologies program and continues to oversee HackBerry Lab. “Berry’s idea of ‘Experience it Firsthand’ … inspired me to consider the importance of what it means to design, build and try things out in the real world and experience all the failures and successes that come with defining the technologies of the future,” Zane says.

Written by Public Relations

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