News & Stories
January 11, 2023

Winter 2022-23 Issue

cover imageThe ingenuity, passion and relentless drive of Berry alumni, students and faculty are on full display in the Winter 2022-23 issue of Berry magazine.

In this issue, you can read about one of the nation’s top college equestrian coaches; a computer whiz putting his skills to good use designing fun and engaging learning experiences for the likes of PBS Kids; a successful pharmacist whose winding life journey finally brought him back to Berry and the degree he coveted; and a former Berry football player whose recovery from serious injury is a source of inspiration far beyond the Berry Bubble.

There’s also President Steve Briggs’ latest essay, reflecting on Berry’s challenging yet ultimately successful transition to NCAA Division III, and coverage of the second-annual Evening of Honors event, recognizing two incredible couples and the programs they helped to inspire.

All these stories are available online, along with other select content. Much more can be found in our print edition, which is mailed to alumni and friends and circulated across campus. For a glimpse, simply click the accompanying cover image.

If you have questions or comments about this issue or ideas for future stories, please contact Rick Woodall (93C), Berry editor, at

Alumni updates for the “News From You” section can be submitted here:

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