News & Stories
December 16, 2020

Gift of the heart

More than 2,500 alumni and friends have extended a helping hand to students in financial crisis since the COVID-19 pandemic began, either with outright gifts to the Save a Student Scholarship or purchases of Berry-themed merchandise.

While grateful to all, we couldn’t help but take particular note of one. He’s not an alumnus, at least not yet, but his heart beats strongly for Berry students. We’ll let him tell you the rest.

Dear Berry College,
My name is Wales Averyt, and I am 10 years old. I live in Birmingham, Alabama, but I know all about Berry because my great great grandfather was Thomas Berry, Martha Berry’s brother.

I heard about the students who might not be able to return to school because of corona struggles, and I wanted to help. For my birthday, I raised money with the help of Steel City Pops. I would like to donate the raised money to the Save a Student Scholarship fund. I hope this will make a difference.

Wales Averyt

It did, Wales. It most certainly did.

For those wondering, Wales raised a total of $243 for Berry students. If you’d like to join him in supporting those whose Berry dreams are in peril due to the pandemic, visit


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