News & Stories
June 24, 2022

Leadership takes flight

U.S. Air Force Academy educator and leader Dr. Bob Reimer assumed responsibility for overseeing the continued development of the Berry Center for Integrity in Leadership when he stepped into the Elvin and Fleta Patterson Sims directorship on July 1. In this role, he will guide existing programs, explore new opportunities for students and the campus community, and serve as a resource for college mentoring efforts.

“I am deeply appreciative to have the opportunity to collaborate with Berry College’s students, faculty, staff and community leaders,” Reimer said. “Together we will sustain and advance a culture of mentorship and experiential learning that feeds student aspirations to live as leaders of integrity.”

A 25-year military veteran, the Air Force officer and command pilot has considerable expertise in the characteristics of leaders, leadership practice and consequential organizational phenomena. Most recently, he was deputy chief of the Research and Scholarship Division for the USAFA’s Center for Character and Leadership Development, where he was associate professor and Senior Military
Faculty member.

His experience leading organizations and promoting change that enhances development includes work overseas as an executive consultant to senior military, political and civilian leaders, as well as service as an instructor pilot for KC-135 and C-17 flight crews.

“Dr. Reimer brings a unique set of experiences and strengths to BCIL, rooted in his work at the U.S. Air Force Academy, as a leader of individuals and groups, and through his work as an organizational psychologist,” said Dr. David Slade (97C), associate provost. “He will make the BCIL experience even more purposeful and accessible to students across the Berry community.”

Reimer’s position honors the memory of two 1935C alumni whose character and integrity helped shape the lives of those around them. It was endowed through the generosity of their son, John Edward Sims.

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