Ralph George Scholarship History

The George Scholars Program is named after Mr. Ralph George who was a 1940 graduate of Berry College in the agricultural program. Mr. George completed his graduate education with a M.A. and Ed.S. in psychology from the Peabody College of Vanderbilt University. After serving in the military during World War II, Mr. George’s career included work with the Boy Scouts, a counselor working with boys and their families, a research assistant at the Peabody College of Vanderbilt University where he helped to develop the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test; an assistant professor of psychology at Austin Peay and Northeast Louisiana State Universities; and ultimately as the director of psychological services at Nashville, Tennessee’s Clover Bottom Development Center from which he retired in August, 1980. He was a lifelong friend and advocate of Berry College and was a regular participant in numerous alumni workweeks at Berry. After his death in September 2002, Mr. George’s wife, Virginia, and daughter, Lee Anne, continued their interest in and involvement with Berry College and generously chose to endow a student research-based scholarship program in Mr. George’s name.

A designated Coordinator within the Psychology Department is responsible for the direction and managing the George Scholars program.

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