How to Submit a New Protocol for Review

Protocols should be submitted to the IRB electronically using the IRB Submission SharePoint site. Note that first-time users may need to request access to this site when clicking the link.

A complete submission should contain the following:

  • A signed protocol submission form
  • CITI completion certificates for all research personnel
  • Documentation of research site permissions (for studies conducted at locations other than Berry College)
  • Copies of all materials used to recruit participants
  • Copies of all materials that participants will interact with during their participation
  • Documentation of emergency/contingency procedures or materials distributed to participants as a result of an adverse event
  • Informed consent (and assent, if necessary) document(s) or scripts

The protocol submission form should be downloaded, opened, and saved using Adobe. Note for Mac users: do not use the Preview application when completing this form. This form should be completed and signed electronically by the principal investigator, faculty sponsor/mentor (if principal investigator is a student), department chair, and dean. 

Once the form is complete and all necessary documentation is gathered, upload your documents to the appropriate submission library on the IRB Submission SharePoint site. Once uploaded, the approval status of the submission may be tracked, and feedback will be sent via e-mail from the IRB. If revisions are requested by the IRB chair/committee, upload the revised documents to the submission site for review.

External researchers who wish to use Berry College students in their study must include a Berry College faculty sponsor in their research personnel. The Berry College faculty sponsor will submit the protocol for review by the IRB.

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