CTEFD Services


Faculty are welcome to schedule a consultation with CTEFD staff or student assistants. Popular requests include:

Midterm Feedback

Facilitators are available to meet with students between weeks 5-9 to solicit feedback without the instructor present. Feedback includes three standard questions plus one optional question selected by the instructor.

Teaching Observation

CTEFD consultants are available to observe classes and provide feedback on a range of standardized protocols.

Midterm Feedback and Teaching Observation consultations are followed by a 30 minute debrief session.

Schedule a Consultation


Upcoming Events

  • Creating and Leading a CIP
  • Berry Journey Information Sessions

Previous offerings

  • Teaching AI
  • Assessment Strategies
  • Video Assignments

Professional development through the faculty Lifecycle 

We work directly with new faculty to help facilitate a smooth transition to Berry through a holistic training experience. New Faculty Orientation includes:

  • Canvas Training
  • Resources Overview
  • Syllabus Feedback

We can also connect with new faculty for individual consultations, partnering with a mentor, and coordinating classroom observations.

Common ways we serve early career faculty:

  • Advising Training
  • Understanding Course Evaluations
  • P & T Process Guidance
  • Faculty Development Workshops
  • Mentorship
  • Classroom Observation
  • Early Career Research Grants
  • Connecting with a learning community

Mid Career support services include:

  • Research Support
  • Faculty Learning Communities
  • Individual Consultations
  • Faculty Development Workshops

Tenured Faculty can use the CTEFD to connect with:

  • Peer Writing Groups
  • Book Discussions
  • Faculty Learning Communities
  • Faculty Scholars Program
  • Department Chair Training

Faculty Learning Communities

A faculty learning community is a cross-disciplinary faculty group of five or more members engaging in an active, collaborative, yearlong program with a curriculum focus on specific topics either about pedagogy in higher education or those that are germane to that specific cohort.

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